SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — This has been a year of ups and downs for weather in KELOLAND, and it’s only April.

January, in Sioux Falls, saw record snowfall, then February saw well below average temperatures.

Now into April, Sioux Falls broke several heat records, topping out at 92 degrees on the 12th.

We can’t say the same about the northeast. While the first 3 months saw below normal temperatures, they had about normal snowfall. That changed on April 4th, when Aberdeen received 11 inches of snow. With the amount of snow already on the ground, Aberdeen was sitting at 26 inches of snow pack.

The amount of snow on the ground helps hold the colder temperatures in place. That’s what created the cold temperatures in previous months in Sioux Falls.

阿伯丁最后达到60 4月18日。最后一个time Aberdeen had seen 60 was the beginning of November. Both Sioux Falls and Aberdeen should be in the mid 60s by end the month.