SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — A lot of us are itching to get outside and do some gardening. Some kids in Brandon got a jump start on their gardens today thanks to a local produce farm.

“Each year for the past several years we packed up and taken our farm to the school,” Laura Patzer said.

Laura Patzer of Cherry Rock Farms enjoys teaching kids how to plant a garden.

“Anytime we can get in the schools to show kids how to grow it’s a good day,” Patzer said.

Today these kids at Fred Assam Elementary are excited to be planting snap peas in these recycled milk cartons.

“Umm I’m hoping for peas,” 4th grader Sydney Reimer said.

4th grader Sydney Reimer says she’s used to gardening.

“是的我妈妈和我种花在夏天,“Reimer said.

Plus, Cherry Rock Farms gives students a chance to do something different.

“It’s not my favorite thing to be sitting in the classroom and learning all the time so this is a nice mix-up,” 4th grader Caleb Shu said.

Patzer loves interacting with the kids to show them where their food comes from.

“They’ll taste exactly like sugar snap peas and the kids love that because most kids like sugar snap peas and they grow really quickly, so they get to see the fruits of their labor pretty early on, so it’s an exciting project for them to do and watch over the next couple of weeks,” Patzer said.

So they plant the seed, add a little water and it’s good to grow.

“Umm after they are fully grown then we are going to cut them and eat them and see how they taste,” Reimer said.

Cherry Rock Farms, which is just south of Brandon, has been family owned and operated since 1925.