SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — After a long, cold winter, local golfers are finally able to pull their clubs out of storage.

Snow is suddenly a distant memory at Elmwood Golf Course.

“Everybody’s excited just to be out after the long winter with a lot of snow. They’re just happy to be out here and play golf,” Sioux Falls Golf Regional Superintendent Norm Parsons said.

The melting snow did expose a few small issues on the course, courtesy a four-legged rodent.

“Mostly vole damage from the extended snow cover,” Parsons said.

苏族Falls Golf Regional Superintendent Norm Parsons is now waiting on lots of sunshine and a little rain to help green up the grass.

“Doing some mowing, but not our normal schedule, but we’re getting there. As soon as it warms up, things will really kick into gear and get going,” Parsons said.

“Course is in pretty good shape,” Sioux Falls golfer Tim Miller said.

Tim Miller learned the game four decades ago in Florida.

“The first time I went out and played golf, I bought a dozen balls at the clubhouse and by the time I got to the fifth hole I had to go back and buy more,” Miller said.

The soon-to-be 70-year-old has spent the past 36 years in South Dakota.

“I retired the end of January ’21 specifically to play golf and so that’s what I’m going to do,” Miller said.

Even on a windy day.

“South Dakota, if you can’t play golf in the wind, you’re not going to play much golf,” Miller said.

Parsons can’t control the wind, but he does plan to keep his courses in tip-top condition.

“Things are shaping up and like I said with a little more warm weather and some rain, we’ll be looking good,” Parsons said.

All three苏族Falls Golflocations have been open for just over two weeks.