SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — Following the frigid temperatures KELOLAND saw earlier this week, one wouldn’t think about getting out on the water.

在本周的周五闪回,我们带你回来to 1982 where divers competed in the chilly waters of Lake Oahe.

Over 60 divers from six states spent the day in the cold Oahe. Their goal was to bring up as much garbage, crawdaddies, fish and buffalo skulls as possible.

在南达科塔州,Oahe冬季潜水是第一yearly splash for swimmers who endeavor the deep. Those who battle the 33-degree water and heavy winds had various reasons on why they enjoyed the day’s dive.

“Well, I went after the fish, and I also went after the tags, for prizes and that. Actually, we just came out to have a lot of fun.”

“What makes a guy like you want to go diving on a pretty cold day like today?”

“I don’t know, what makes a lot of people do a lot of things? Just something that I’ve always wanted to do. A lot of people don’t do it, and it’s the freedom of being down under the water I guess.”

When the dive was over, treasures from the Oahe were tabulated. Such items as tin cans and buffalo skulls were found. And in the fish department, carp, sturgeon, and a lot of dormant garfish were caught. One person alone captured 40 of the slippery inhabitants of the dam.

“We’re catching more live fish this year than we ever have before. Seems like the gar and the sturgeon were spread out throughout there quite a bit. And they’re pretty sluggish from the cold water, so they’re pretty easy for the divers to catch.”

Even though not all the divers brought up treasures, they all were awarded for the day’s effort. Some of them claimed it wasn’t the prizes that brought them out, but the chance to see what really lies at the Oahe.

Ross Hueple repporting, KELOLAND News, The Oahe Dam.