SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — With the seasons starting to change, the MLB post-season is right around the corner. That brings up the question, what are all the rules of baseball?

In this week’s Flashback Friday, we take you back to 1987 and explain one rule that a Minnesota Twins pitcher got caught breaking.

Minnesota Twins pitcher Joe Niekro, known for throwing a tricky knuckleball, is accused of performing a little illegal slight of hand on the baseball during a Twins/Angles game. So, he tries an even trickier throw with an emery board before umpires can search his pockets. Unfortunately for Niekro, the ump’s eyes are faster than the hand, and he promptly throws the pitcher out of the game.

“Figured I had nothing to hide so I let them check me. Evidently I carry the wrong things in my pocket.”

Former Twins ace Jim Perry thinks so too. The Cy Young Award winner says that while there is a chance Niekro, as he claimed, using the emery board to file his nails between innings, that there is just as good a chance the pitcher was using it to work a bit of magic on the ball. Turning it into a scuffball.

“A scuffball, like you see on the seems here, when it comes out, is the friction in the wind makes the ball drop. Makes it go away from the hitter or makes it go the other way if its a right or left handed hitter.”

“Well, that takes care of why it works, now the main thing we got to show is how it works. So if you could throw a couple, we’ll go for it.” “Well, we’ll see if it works, but it won’t be too fast.”

“He’s still got his stuff.”

“Alright, oh boy, after watching you show me how to throw that pitch, I feel like I can really get out there and toss one my self.”

I must have had the wrong things in my pockets. Mark Ferree, KELOLAND Sports.